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Chinese and Western Herbal Medications for Pets

We offer Chinese herbal medicine for pets as part of our integrative approach to care. Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) takes a more holistic view of the body and employs a complete approach to treatment.


Chinese herbs have been used for centuries to treat various conditions in humans and animals. At Your Bark & Call, we use Chinese herbs to treat various conditions in dogs and cats and more.


Chinese herbal medicine is one more tool that we can use to help your pet feel their best.

How Do Chinese Herbs Work?

The active ingredients in most herbs are compounds called phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are plant-based chemicals that interact with the body in various ways. For example, some phytochemicals stimulate the immune system, while others work as antioxidants, protecting cells from damage.


Many herbs also contain volatile oils that help to loosen mucus and phlegm, making them beneficial for respiratory problems. Herbs may be used singly or in combination, depending on the treated condition.


But they must be used with care, as they are potent substances. Chinese herbs should only be used under the supervision of a qualified veterinarian who has training in their use.


Chinese Herbs in Veterinary Medicine

At Your Bark & Call, we only use herbs that are of the highest quality and potency. We also take care to match the right herb (or herbs) to your pet’s individual needs.


Chinese herbs in veterinary medicine are thought to date back over 2,000 years. In those early days, the focus was on using herbs to restore balance and harmony within the body. This approach is still used today and is considered to be one of the cornerstones of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM).


One of the benefits of using TCVM is that it can be tailored to suit each pet. This means that the prescribed herbs will be specifically chosen to address the individual’s needs. This approach contrasts traditional Western veterinary medicine, which often relies on a one-size-fits-all approach.

Chinese Herbal Blends

There are various Chinese herbs available, but they are usually prescribed in formulas of between two and twelve herbs. The number of herbs in a formula will be based on the individual pet’s needs.


One of the benefits of using herbal formulas is that the herbs work together synergistically. This means that they can have a greater effect than if they were used individually.


Get in touch with us today to find out more about our Chinese herbal medication services for pets. We would be happy to discuss your pet’s individual needs and formulate a treatment plan that is right for them.


See our example of blends below.


Skin Condition Blend

This formula is often prescribed for pets suffering from allergies, hot spots, and other skin conditions.


The herbs in this formula work together to relieve itchiness, calm the skin, and promote healing. The herbs also have a detoxifying effect on the body, which can help to flush out toxins that may be contributing to the skin condition.


Bladder & Urinary Tract Blend

This blend is often prescribed for pets suffering from urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and other urinary problems.


The herbs in this blend work together to cleanse the urinary tract, promote healing, and relieve pain. The blend also helps to boost the immune system, which can be helpful in preventing future infections.


Digestion Tract Blend

The Digestion Tract Blend is a formula that is often prescribed for pets suffering from digestive problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, and constipation.


The herbs in this blend work together to soothe the digestive tract, promote healing, and relieve pain. The blend also helps to normalize digestion and improve nutrient absorption.


Calming & Soothing Blend

The Calming & Soothing Blend is a formula that is often prescribed for pets that are anxious, stressed, or experiencing behavioural problems.


The herbs in this blend work together to calm the nerves, ease anxiety, and promote relaxation. The blend can also help to improve sleep quality and reduce stress levels.


Discomfort Blend

There are a number of different formulas that can be prescribed for pets experiencing pain. These formulas contain herbs that work together to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.


The herbs in these formulas can be helpful for pets suffering from arthritis, hip dysplasia, injuries, and other conditions that cause pain.


Joint & Tendon Pain Blend

The herbs in these formulas can be helpful for pets suffering from arthritis, hip dysplasia, injuries, and other conditions that cause joint and tendon pain.

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